Questions To Ask When Visiting Your Local Vape Shop


“Vaping,” as it’s commonly known, is a technology that has helped many people quit smoking. When visiting your local vape shop, you should ask a few questions before investing in equipment or e-juice. These questions will help ensure that you’re getting the most out of your experience.

Are you (the employee) a newbie, or are you an enthusiast?

If you are new to vaping, then ask questions. It is important for the employees at your local vape shop to know that you are a newbie and that you might not know what you want or even how to use the equipment. The employee should treat you as if they were talking to their mother-in-law: with respect and care. If they do not, then find another shop!

If the employee treats you like their mother-in-law, they will be more likely to advise on which products are best suited for your needs. They may even recommend other products based on what they think would work well with yours. This makes it easier for both parties involved!

How do you advise people to get started with vaping?

When you visit your local vape shop, it’s a good idea to ask the proprietor about how people can get started with vaping. As you’re likely aware, there are a lot of different types of e-cigs (personal vaporizers), and each one is designed for a different purpose. Many of these shops get products from smoke shops distributor companies and resell them to people like you. Asking what kind of e-cig would be best suited for your needs will help ensure that you buy one that meets those needs while being an enjoyable experience.

Can you show me how to turn on my e-cigarette and explain how this thing works?

If this is your first time using an e-cigarette, the best thing to do is to make sure you know how to turn it on. Chances are the employee will explain this to you, but if they don’t bring it up or if there’s a problem with your device and they need to see what’s going on under the hood, make sure that you know how to activate it before asking for help!

Next, make sure that you understand how exactly this thing works. Ask for an explanation of what each part does: battery, tank, or cartridge (also known as cartomizer), atomizer (aka the coil), mouthpiece/drip tip, and flavor cartridges/cartridges (aka pods). Also, ask about safety concerns and whether they know of any dangers of vaping. Don’t be afraid to ask questions—it will show them that you care about your health and want their shop’s services now and in the future!

Is it possible for me to get cheaper cartridges if I buy them in larger quantities?

A good vape shop will offer you a discount if you buy in bulk or if you purchase a certain product. Some vape shops offer loyalty programs and rewards for frequent customers as well. It’s essential to ask about these things before making a purchase so that you’re not spending more than necessary!

Does your vape shop offer e-juice flavors that are labeled nicotine free but actually do contain nicotine?

Nicotine is a poison. It can be toxic, and it’s addictive. Nicotine also causes cancer, heart disease, strokes, and lung disease. If you’re not sure if your vape shop is telling the truth about their e-juice labels, ask them to prove it.


Whether you’re new to vaping or just looking for an update on the industry, it’s important to ask questions and get answers. The right questions can help us find the right vape shop.

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The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.

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